Create a conscious and relaxed life, in which you are at the helm, free from patterns & beliefs. You can move with complete freedom, in love and connection with yourself, others and the world around you.
If I had had a coach in my younger years who had put me on the right track of self-leadership and RADICAL SELF RESPONSIBILITY…
My experience with seeing a therapist for an hour a week for a period of time has not changed much in my life. My inner world and my behavior remained the same and so did my reality. I see that in a lot of people.
Only when I started to heal myself on all levels, not only on a mental level but also on an energetic, spiritual and physical level, and I started to understand and FEEL SELF-LEADERSHIP on all levels, could I make different choices. Choices based on FREEDOM, SELF-LOVE and TRUST in myself, others and the world around me.
Julia Fagel has the gift of applying her knowledge and experience in the moment and sharing it with others with a special feeling for the process. With a loving commitment, she empowers people with various challenges/life questions.
Professional and with respect for everyone's background and established patterns.
With a wealth of experience and insights, she makes a welcome difference in the wide range of coaching available.
Julia is like a mentor to me. She has the unique gift of immediately sensing what you are encountering or what is holding you back. She gets to the heart of the matter with a clear translation, she listens with attention and love, which makes you feel free to share everything with her. She feels, sees and hears you for who you are, a unique gift. Just an incredibly loving person & coach who enriches and inspires you.
Julia has a warm personality.
She is passionate about her work and is very committed to her yogis. She has her business together well, it looks beautiful. It is also fun to do yoga outside in the beautiful Zen garden.
I think she is very eager to learn about the well-being of other people.
In short, it's a pleasure to go to her yoga classes every week.
So inside you, so outside in your reality. We are one… I believe in the connectedness of everything, the ONENESS. That seems like an empty statement until you understand and experience that it really works that way. Your life is a direct reflection of your inner world, so if you start working on that, your reality will also change for the better.
In my coaching I guide you lovingly and with respect for who you are towards a life where you are at the helm. Where you are free from undermining patterns and limiting beliefs and you experience freedom, relaxation and stability within yourself.
She really is 'Walk the Talk'
Always involved and warm
You are an inspiring woman
I will never forget the attention paid to me as a person
Julia, your energy is so enriching, warming and inspiring
You are love
Openness, honesty and love
Pushing boundaries, new perspectives and really getting to know yourself