Create a conscious and relaxed life, in which you are at the helm, free from patterns & beliefs. You can move with complete freedom, in love and connection with yourself, others and the world around you.

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If I had had a coach in my younger years who had put me on the right track of self-leadership and RADICAL SELF RESPONSIBILITY

My experience with seeing a therapist for an hour a week for a period of time has not changed much in my life. My inner world and my behavior remained the same and so did my reality. I see that in a lot of people.

Only when I started to heal myself on all levels, not only on a mental level but also on an energetic, spiritual and physical level, and I started to understand and FEEL SELF-LEADERSHIP on all levels, could I make different choices. Choices based on FREEDOM, SELF-LOVE and TRUST in myself, others and the world around me.

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So inside you, so outside in your reality. We are one… I believe in the connectedness of everything, the ONENESS. That seems like an empty statement until you understand and experience that it really works that way. Your life is a direct reflection of your inner world, so if you start working on that, your reality will also change for the better.

In my coaching I guide you lovingly and with respect for who you are towards a life where you are at the helm. Where you are free from undermining patterns and limiting beliefs and you experience freedom, relaxation and stability within yourself.